Leonid Yukhnik

Junior Frontend Developer

my photo


  • Discord
    • leonizis
  • Email
    • leonidu36@gmail.com
  • Telegram
    • @leonizis
  • Phone
    • +375292663581

About me

Since childhood, I have been attracted to computers. Even at school, I was easily able to do computer science. Always the first to solve the tasks. But fate chose a slightly different path. In addition to computer science, I was also good at music, in particular playing the accordion. I studied this for a long time, but the craving for a computer did not fade away. By the will of fate, I had to make an online store on my own, I did it on OpenCart. Next, I got acquainted with WordPress. But there was always not enough knowledge, so I decided to learn a programming language. Completed courses in Python (basic). But I realized that Front-End development is still closer to me. I studied basic HTML, CSS, JS basic. And now I'm taking a Java Script/Front-End course at RS School.

My skills

  • Python (basis)
  • HTML/CSS/JS (basis)
  • OpenCart/WordPress
  • Photoshop

Code example

function testFactorial(a) {
    var x = 1;
	let total = 1;
	while (total < a + 1){
		x = total * x
	return x;

Education and courses

  • Stepik — educational platform
    • Python
    • HTML/CSS
  • Independent study
    • Java Script
    • Photoshop
    • OpenCart/WordPress


  • Russian
  • Belarusian
  • Polish (spoken)